Time 4 Us

What is Time4Us?

Time4Us is a hybrid of individual self-reflection, individual counseling, couple counseling, marriage vision development and a weekend-away, all with the goal of helping couples untangle their thoughts and form a clear way forward. It follows the “Be heard – Listen – Laugh” steps.

Time4Us was created by the Help a Marriage Team as an innovative way to combine what works and also remove what hinders husbands and wives from reconnecting

What is included?

The program aims to help individuals figure out where they stand, develop ways to communicate and then figure out where they see their marriage in the future, before looking at how to bring laughter, sensuality and substantial communication back in to their lives. The following is included:
• Personal program coordinator
• 10 Online Self Evaluation Questionnaires
• 4 Individual Professional Counseling Sessions
• 2 Couple Counseling Sessions
• 2 Nights at a local hotel
• Lunch and Dinners
• Budget for some fun activities
• Budget for babysitting
• Terms and conditions apply.

What will I need to do?

• Use the safety of online individual reflection exercises to unclutter your thoughts and
figure out what is really important to you.
• Be honest in the one-on-one counseling sessions.
• Be open to figuring out your “vision” for your marriage.
• Follow the process.

How long does it take?

• The typical plan takes 4-8 weeks to complete all steps.
• Depending on schedules it may take longer but 4-8 weeks is the ideal.

What does it cost?

For couples who are not being sponsored by their church or another non-profit, the cost of Time4Us is $2500.

What do I do if I can’t afford it?

Friends and Family: If you are committed to doing this we can help you get funding through your friends and family. Just Click here and let us know who you would like us to contact and we will reach out to them and ask for donations on your behalf. It is a “blind” donation so that they don’t feel pressured to give, i.e if they say “no” you will not find out.
Churches: If your church has a marriage program or support services we are happy to reach out to them on your behalf. In order to do this just Click here.
Help a Marriage: Our organization receives donations to help couples and twice a year we allocate any funds received. You can put your name on a waiting list. Just Click here.
For these a minimum of 10% will have to be provided by yourself.
Other: If none of the above work please consider one of the other programs or visit the
Marriage GPS to see what free resources are available. Click here.

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